Kawanoeki Funagoya "Koibotaru Onsenkan"

Kawanoeki Funagoya "Koibotaru Onsenkan"

With the manager Yoshiharu Mizuno, in front of the entrance

With the manager Yoshiharu Mizuno, in front of the entrance

Kawanoeki Funagoya "Koibotaru"

We visited Kawanoeki Funagoya "Koibotaru Onsenkan" in Oshima, Chikugo, Fukuoka.

Kawanoeki Funagoya "Koibotaru"

This is the hot spring building located a couple of minutes from the parking. There also is another building nearby where you can buy souvenirs.

Kawanoeki Funagoya "Koibotaru"

A reception staff Hideko welcomed us with a smile at the reception.

Kawanoeki Funagoya "Koibotaru"

The dressing room is very big and clean. There are lockers to keep your valuables safe.

Kawanoeki Funagoya "Koibotaru"

This is the open-air bath where the entire floor is covered with deposited minerals. There are several bathtubs and the bath temperature differs for each tub. Although we have seen many onsens containing deposited minerals, Koibotaru might be one of the richest hot springs.

Kawanoeki Funagoya "Koibotaru"

The water type is sodium bicarbonate saline spring. As the temperature is not too hot, it is suitable for a long soak. They say bathing at Koibotaru can promote blood circulation and improve the health condition.

Kawanoeki Funagoya "Koibotaru"

Heikichi is 82 years old and comes to Koibotaru every day. He likes to take a long soak and said bathing at Koibotaru can promote the recovery from surgery.

Kawanoeki Funagoya "Koibotaru"

There is an indoor bath in Koibotaru as well. The bathtub is deeper than the open-air bath, hence this bath is recommended for those who want to soak their whole body. The bath contains the same water, and the floor is covered with deposited minerals as well.

Kawanoeki Funagoya "Koibotaru"

In Koibotaru, Men’s bathroom and Women’s bathroom switches weekly. The design of open-air bath is different, one bath has a room for taking a bath while lying down on the bathroom floor.

Kawanoeki Funagoya "Koibotaru"

There is a foot bath next to the hot spring building which contains the same hot spring water. This is unusual because if a hot spring contains a rich amount of minerals, operating a foot bath costs for maintenance such as washing pipes.

Kawanoeki Funagoya "Koibotaru"

Finally, there is a grassy field next to Koibotaru. You can play with your friends or family in this field. Taking a bath to relax the body after playing in the field might be the best way to enjoy Koibotaru.




Name: Kawanoeki Funagoya "Koibotaru Onsenkan"

Address: 298-2 Oshima, Chikugo, Fukuoka

Tel: 094-252-8866

Access (Car): 54 min from the centre of Fukuoka City. 52 min from the Fukuoka airport

Parking Lot: 60

Opening Hours: 
Except Saturday: 10:00- 21:00 (last entry at 20:30)
Saturday: 10:00 - 22:30 (last entry at 22:00)

Closing Days: Tuesday (except 5, 15, 25 and holiday)

Price: JPY 500

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